CODES Toolbox / User Guide / General Information


Package folder

The CODES toolbox is an object oriented toolbox that was built using the MATLAB package feature. A complete description of the MATLAB package feature can be found at:

In short, all classes and functions from this toolbox are stored into their respective namespaces.


There are four primary namespaces in the CODES toolbox:

Import namespaces

In order to avoid any form of conflict in name resolution, all CODES toolbox element are accessed through their namespace. For example, to train an SVM one uses

However, if one is assured that there will not be any conflict, namespaces can be imported. Therefore, equivallentally to above:


will import the content from so that svm can be accessed immediately. To clear the imported namespace, use:

clear import


A sample of n realization of random vector of size dim should be a matrix of size (n x dim). For example, 10 realizations of a standard bivariate gaussian would be:

    1.0389    1.9163
    0.9218   -1.3853
   -0.2325    0.0286
    1.5533    0.6182
   -0.1601   -0.3587
    1.8665    1.8026
    0.9608    0.3743
    0.0018   -0.3757
   -0.5563   -0.1865
    1.4872    0.5451

Some functions in this toolbox allow to pass gradient of a function f. When that happens, for a (n x dim) sample, f(x) is expected to return 2 output, y the (n x 1) function value array and dy, the (n x dim) gradient array. For example:

f=@(x)deal(2*x(:,1)+3*x(:,2).^3,[2*ones(size(x,1),1) 3*3*x(:,2).^2]);
[y,dy]=f([0 0;1 2;3 0.25]) %#ok<NOPTS>
y =


dy =

    2.0000         0
    2.0000   36.0000
    2.0000    0.5625

Toolbox help

To open the help, use the command:


Depending on the MATLAB version used, the CODES toolbox will appear in different ways:

MATLAB 2012a or older:

MATLAB 2012b to MATLAB 2014b:

MATLAB 2015a and newer:

Copyright © 2015 Computational Optimal Design of Engineering Systems (CODES) Laboratory. University of Arizona.

Computational Optimal Design of
Engineering Systems