CODES / common / mcmc

Component Metropolis-Hastings




Component Metropolis-Hasting as discussed in Au & Beck (2001). As opposed to the regular algorithm where a joint target and proposal PDF is provided, this variant works with marginal target and proposal PDFs. Acceptance/rejection decision is made dimension per dimension.


param value Description
'prop_rand' function_handle, {@(x)normrnd(x,ones(size(x)))} Proposal random sampler. For a (n x dim) sample x, returns a (n x dim) sample of proposed candidates. By default, uses normal with mean x and standard deviation 1.
'burnin' positive integer, {0} Number of samples to be “burned” at the begining.
'rejection' function_handle, {-1} A rejection function. For a (n x dim) sample x, rejection(x) should return a (n x 1) array of rejection function value. Samples are rejected if rejection function value is positive.
'gradient' logical, {false} Wether or not gradient of the rejection function should be returned. If 'on', rejection should return 2 outputs [y,dy] where y and dy are the (n x 1) array of rejection function values and the (n x dim) array of rejection gradient respectively.
'initial_values' numeric, { [ ] } An array of initial rejection values.
'initial_gradients' numeric, { [ ] } An array of initial gradients.


Generate samples from an exponential distribution ($\mu=1$) while rejecting samples such that:

$$x\leq 2$$

axis([0 11 0 1])


Copyright © 2015 Computational Optimal Design of Engineering Systems (CODES) Laboratory. University of Arizona.

Computational Optimal Design of
Engineering Systems