Examples / Adaptive sampling / anti_lock
This file is a complete demo of the capability of the anti_lock function from the CODES toolbox.
The documentation for the anti-lock function can be found here.
Set rng
Set random number generator seed:
Simple example
Define a simple sinusoidal problem:
f=@(x)x(:,2)-sin(10*x(:,1))/4-0.5; x=CODES.sampling.cvt(30,2); y=f(x);
Train an SVM, find a "max-min" sample and plot it:
svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y); x_al=CODES.sampling.anti_lock(svm,[0 0],[1 1]); [X,Y]=meshgrid(linspace(0,1,100)); Z=reshape(f([X(:) Y(:)]),100,100); figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'r') hold on svm.isoplot('lb',[0 0],'ub',[1 1],'prev_leg',{'True LS'}) plot(x_al(1),x_al(2),'ms') axis square

Parallel vs serial and MultiStart
Start a parallel pool:
Compare compuational time of different scenarios to compute 10 "anti-locking" samples:
CODES.common.disp_box('Using Matlab MultiStart') tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y); CODES.sampling.anti_lock(svm,[0 0],[1 1],'nb',10,'MultiStart','MATLAB'); disp(['Serial : ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); CODES.sampling.anti_lock(svm,[0 0],[1 1],'nb',10,'MultiStart','MATLAB'); disp(['Parallel : ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) CODES.common.disp_box('Using CODES MultiStart') tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y); CODES.sampling.anti_lock(svm,[0 0],[1 1],'nb',10,'MultiStart','CODES'); disp(['Serial : ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); CODES.sampling.anti_lock(svm,[0 0],[1 1],'nb',10,'MultiStart','CODES'); disp(['Parallel : ' CODES.common.time(toc)])
########################### # Using Matlab MultiStart # ########################### Serial : 44s Parallel : 29s ########################## # Using CODES MultiStart # ########################## Serial : 35s Parallel : 22s
Display intermediate steps
Display intermediate elements of the "anti-locking" calculation:
rng(0); f=@(x)x(:,2)-sin(10*x(:,1))/4-0.5; x=CODES.sampling.cvt(30,2); y=f(x); svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); [x_al,adds]=CODES.sampling.anti_lock(svm,[0 0],[1 1]); [X,Y]=meshgrid(linspace(0,1,100)); Z=reshape(f([X(:) Y(:)]),100,100); figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'r') hold on svm.isoplot('lb',[0 0],'ub',[1 1],'prev_leg',{'True LS'}) plot(adds{1}(1),adds{1}(2),'go') % Plot center x_c plot(adds{2}(:,1),adds{2}(:,2),'c--') % Plot region boundary ||x-x_c||-R<=0 plot(x_al(1),x_al(2),'ms') axis square

Parallel update
On the same example, find 10 max-min samples and plot them:
f=@(x)x(:,2)-sin(10*x(:,1))/4-0.5; x=CODES.sampling.cvt(30,2); y=f(x); svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); x_al=CODES.sampling.anti_lock(svm,[0 0],[1 1],'nb',10); [X,Y]=meshgrid(linspace(0,1,100)); Z=reshape(f([X(:) Y(:)]),100,100); figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'r') hold on svm.isoplot('lb',[0 0],'ub',[1 1],'prev_leg',{'True LS'}) plot(x_al(:,1),x_al(:,2),'ms') axis square

Sequential refinement
On the same example, for 20 iterations, find a "anti-locking" sample and update the svm with that sample:
Z=reshape(f([X(:) Y(:)]),100,100);
Plot the first and last iterations:
[x_al,adds]=CODES.sampling.anti_lock(svm,[0 0],[1 1]); svm=svm.add(x_al,f(x_al)); figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'r') hold on svm.isoplot('lb',[0 0],'ub',[1 1],'prev_leg',{'True LS'}) plot(adds{1}(1),adds{1}(2),'go') % Plot center x_c plot(adds{2}(:,1),adds{2}(:,2),'c--') % Plot region boundary ||x-x_c||-R<=0 plot(x_al(:,1),x_al(:,2),'ms') axis square for i=2:20 [x_al,adds]=CODES.sampling.anti_lock(svm,[0 0],[1 1]); svm=svm.add(x_al,f(x_al)); end figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'r') hold on svm.isoplot('lb',[0 0],'ub',[1 1],'prev_leg',{'True LS'}) plot(adds{1}(1),adds{1}(2),'go') % Plot center x_c plot(adds{2}(:,1),adds{2}(:,2),'c--') % Plot region boundary ||x-x_c||-R<=0 plot(x_al(:,1),x_al(:,2),'ms') axis square

A video of this sequential update can be found here.
Copyright © 2015 Computational Optimal Design of Engineering Systems (CODES) Laboratory. University of Arizona.
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