Examples / Adaptive sampling / gmm
This file is a complete demo of the capability of the gmm function from the CODES toolbox.
The documentation for the gmm function can be found here.
Set rng
Set random number generator seed:
Simple example
Define a 2D reliability problem with 4 failure domains:
f=@CODES.test.inverse_2D; [X,Y]=meshgrid(linspace(-5,5,100)); Z=reshape(f([X(:) Y(:)]),100,100); figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'k')
Obtain a DOE:
x=CODES.sampling.cvt(30,2,'lb',[-5 -5],'ub',[5 5],'region',@(x)5-pdist2(x,[0 0])); y=f(x);
Sum of square change at iteration 1: 3.572e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 2: 1.587e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 3: 8.792e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.528e-01 Sum of square change at iteration 4: 5.334e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.163e-01 Sum of square change at iteration 5: 3.657e-04; Predicted relative change : 1.472e-01 Sum of square change at iteration 6: 2.899e-04; Predicted relative change : 6.599e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 7: 2.295e-04; Predicted relative change : 5.380e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 8: 2.055e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.675e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 9: 1.756e-04; Predicted relative change : 1.477e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 10: 1.511e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.727e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 11: 1.251e-04; Predicted relative change : 1.180e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 12: 1.091e-04; Predicted relative change : 5.083e-04 Sum of square change at iteration 13: 9.756e-05; Predicted relative change : 2.180e-04
Derive and check log JPDF and gradient (normal distribution):
logjpdf=@(x)sum(-0.5*x.^2-0.5*log(2*pi),2); % equivalent to logjpdf=@(x)sum(log(normpdf(x)),2); dlogjpdf=@(x)-x; test_rng=@(N)normrnd(0,1,[N 2]); % normal random sampler for optimization starting points x_grad=[0.1 0.1;0.3 0.5;0.8 0.3;0.5 0.5]; grad=dlogjpdf(x_grad); grad_fd=CODES.common.grad_fd(logjpdf,x_grad); disp([['Analytical gradients :';... ' ';... ' Finite differences :';... ' '] num2str([grad';grad_fd'],'%1.3f ')])
Analytical gradients :-0.100 -0.300 -0.800 -0.500 -0.100 -0.500 -0.300 -0.500 Finite differences :-0.100 -0.300 -0.800 -0.500 -0.100 -0.500 -0.300 -0.500
Train an SVM, then find and plot a generalized "max-min" sample:
svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y); x_gmm=CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'dlogjpdf',dlogjpdf); figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'r') hold on svm.isoplot('lb',[-5 -5],'ub',[5 5],'prev_leg',{'True LS'}) plot(x_gmm(1),x_gmm(2),'ms') axis square
Comparison of Computational Time for: Parallel and Serial; With and Without Derivative; and Matlab and CODES Multistart:
Start a parallel pool:
Compare compuational time of different scenarios to compute 10 generalized "max-min" samples
CODES.common.disp_box('Using Matlab MultiStart') tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y); CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'nb',10,'MultiStart','MATLAB'); disp(['Serial without derivative : ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'nb',10,'MultiStart','MATLAB'); disp(['Parallel without derivative: ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y); CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'dlogjpdf',dlogjpdf,'nb',10,'MultiStart','MATLAB'); disp(['Serial with derivative: ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'dlogjpdf',dlogjpdf,'nb',10,'MultiStart','MATLAB'); disp(['Parallel with derivative: ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) CODES.common.disp_box('Using CODES MultiStart') tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y); CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'nb',10,'MultiStart','CODES'); disp(['Serial without derivative : ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'nb',10,'MultiStart','CODES'); disp(['Parallel without derivative: ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y); CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'dlogjpdf',dlogjpdf,'nb',10,'MultiStart','CODES'); disp(['Serial with derivative: ' CODES.common.time(toc)]) tic; svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'dlogjpdf',dlogjpdf,'nb',10,'MultiStart','CODES'); disp(['Parallel with derivative: ' CODES.common.time(toc)])
########################### # Using Matlab MultiStart # ########################### Serial without derivative : 23s Parallel without derivative: 14s Serial with derivative: 26s Parallel with derivative: 15s ########################## # Using CODES MultiStart # ########################## Serial without derivative : 23s Parallel without derivative: 12s Serial with derivative: 25s Parallel with derivative: 12s
Parallel update
On the same example, find and plot 10 generalized "max-min" samples:
f=@CODES.test.inverse_2D; x=CODES.sampling.cvt(30,2,'lb',[-5 -5],'ub',[5 5],'region',@(x)5-pdist2(x,[0 0])); y=f(x); svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); x_gmm=CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'dlogjpdf',dlogjpdf,'nb',10); [X,Y]=meshgrid(linspace(-5,5,100)); Z=reshape(f([X(:) Y(:)]),100,100); figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'r') hold on svm.isoplot('lb',[-5 -5],'ub',[5 5],'prev_leg',{'True LS'}) plot(x_gmm(:,1),x_gmm(:,2),'ms') axis square
Sum of square change at iteration 1: 3.572e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 2: 1.587e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 3: 8.792e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.528e-01 Sum of square change at iteration 4: 5.334e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.163e-01 Sum of square change at iteration 5: 3.657e-04; Predicted relative change : 1.472e-01 Sum of square change at iteration 6: 2.899e-04; Predicted relative change : 6.599e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 7: 2.295e-04; Predicted relative change : 5.380e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 8: 2.055e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.675e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 9: 1.756e-04; Predicted relative change : 1.477e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 10: 1.511e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.727e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 11: 1.251e-04; Predicted relative change : 1.180e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 12: 1.091e-04; Predicted relative change : 5.083e-04 Sum of square change at iteration 13: 9.756e-05; Predicted relative change : 2.180e-04
Sequential refinement
On the same example, for 20 iterations, find a "max-min" sample and update the svm:
f=@CODES.test.inverse_2D; x=CODES.sampling.cvt(30,2,'lb',[-5 -5],'ub',[5 5],'region',@(x)5-pdist2(x,[0 0])); y=f(x); svm=CODES.fit.svm(x,y,'UseParallel',true); [X,Y]=meshgrid(linspace(-5,5,100)); Z=reshape(f([X(:) Y(:)]),100,100);
Sum of square change at iteration 1: 3.572e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 2: 1.587e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 3: 8.792e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.528e-01 Sum of square change at iteration 4: 5.334e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.163e-01 Sum of square change at iteration 5: 3.657e-04; Predicted relative change : 1.472e-01 Sum of square change at iteration 6: 2.899e-04; Predicted relative change : 6.599e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 7: 2.295e-04; Predicted relative change : 5.380e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 8: 2.055e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.675e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 9: 1.756e-04; Predicted relative change : 1.477e-02 Sum of square change at iteration 10: 1.511e-04; Predicted relative change : 2.727e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 11: 1.251e-04; Predicted relative change : 1.180e-03 Sum of square change at iteration 12: 1.091e-04; Predicted relative change : 5.083e-04 Sum of square change at iteration 13: 9.756e-05; Predicted relative change : 2.180e-04
Plot first and last iteration:
x_gmm=CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'dlogjpdf',dlogjpdf); svm=svm.add(x_gmm,f(x_gmm)); figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'r') hold on svm.isoplot('lb',[-5 -5],'ub',[5 5],'prev_leg',{'True LS'}) plot(x_gmm(:,1),x_gmm(:,2),'ms') axis square axis square for i=2:20 x_gmm=CODES.sampling.gmm(svm,logjpdf,test_rng,'dlogjpdf',dlogjpdf); svm=svm.add(x_gmm,f(x_gmm)); end figure('Position',[200 200 500 500]) contour(X,Y,Z,[0 0],'r') hold on svm.isoplot('lb',[-5 -5],'ub',[5 5],'prev_leg',{'True LS'}) plot(x_gmm(:,1),x_gmm(:,2),'ms') axis square axis square
A video of this sequential update can be found here.
Copyright © 2015 Computational Optimal Design of Engineering Systems (CODES) Laboratory. University of Arizona.
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