Examples / Sensitivities / sobol
This file is a complete demo of the capability of the sobol function from the CODES toolbox.
The documentation for the sobol class can be found here.
Set rng
Set random number generator seed:
Simple example
Compute sobols:
f=@(x)1/8*prod(3*x.^2+1,2); dim=3; n=1e5; res=CODES.sensitivity.sobol(f,dim,n); disp(res.S1) disp(res.S2) disp(res.St)
X_1 X_2 X_3 Est 1 0.278737 0.272175 0.273971 Est 2 0.271663 0.275556 0.280947 X_1 X_2 X_3 X_1 NaN 0.0600965 0.0550984 X_2 0.0583251 NaN 0.053057 X_3 0.0549634 0.0504917 NaN X_1 X_2 X_3 Est 1 0.396643 0.394859 0.40047 Est 2 0.384738 0.38854 0.401599
Convergence plot
Compute sensitivity indices and plot the convergence with respect to number of samples used:
Bar plot
Compute sensitivity indices and plot them:
Let us compare the sensitivities on f where the variables are either uniform between 0 and 1 (default) standard normals:
f=@(x)1/8*prod(3*x.^2+1,2); dim=3; n=1e5; CODES.sensitivity.sobol(f,dim,n,'bar_plot',true); CODES.sensitivity.sobol(f,dim,n,'bar_plot',true,'IDF',@(x)norminv(x));
Note the slider in the above figures. It is used to define a value (default 0) below which Sobol' indices can be disregarded. Increasing this value will cause the smallest indices to be removed from the bar plot for increased readability.
Error plot
Compute sensitivity indices and plot them (error) using bootstraped confidence interval. Be mindfull that BCA (that involves Jacknife) can be very heavy for large samples:
f=@(x)1/8*prod(3*x.^2+1,2); dim=3; n=1e4; tic; CODES.sensitivity.sobol(f,dim,n,'err_plot',true,... 'CI_boot',true,'boot_type','bca'); disp(['BCA ' CODES.common.time(toc)])
BCA 28s
tic; CODES.sensitivity.sobol(f,dim,n,'err_plot',true,... 'CI_boot',true,'boot_type','per'); disp(['Per ' CODES.common.time(toc)])
Per 2s
- Saltelli (2002): Saltelli A., (2011) Making best use of model evaluations to compute sensitivity indices. Computer Physics Communications 145(2):280-297 - DOI
Copyright © 2015 Computational Optimal Design of Engineering Systems (CODES) Laboratory. University of Arizona.
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