CODES / sensitivity / sobol

Compute (Sobol) global sensitivity indices




Compute two sets of (Sobol) global sensitivity indices defined as:




and computed as described in Saltelli (2002). This procedure calls the function $n(2dim+2)$ times.

The function returns S, Sij and St such that (for $dim=m$):




where the $S_\star^\prime$ notation refers to the second set of estimates.

If neither bounds ('lb' and 'ub') or marginal inverse distribution functions ('IDF') are specified, variables are assumed to be uniform between 0 and 1.


param value Description
'lb' positive integer array, {0} Lower bounds for uniform variables
'ub' positive integer array, {1} Upper bounds for uniform variables
'IDF' function_handle Marginal inverse distribution functions in case of non uniform random variables
'sampler' {'rand'}, 'halton', 'sobol', 'lhs', 'cvt' Sets the sampler to get the two DOE used in the approach.
'vectorized' logical, {false} Whether the function is vectorized
'f_parallel' logical, {false} If not vectorized, whether the function should be evaluated in parallel
'conv_seq' positive integer array, { [ ] } If provided, trigger a convergence plot. For every value of 'conv_seq', the indices are recomputed. For example, if |n=1000| and 'conv_seq'|=[10,100,1000]|, all indices will be computed using 10, 100 and 1000 samples.
'conv_leg' logical, {true} Whether convergence plot should have a legend or not
'bar_plot' logical, {false} Whether a bar plot of the indices should be provided
'bar_leg' logical, {true} Whether bar plot should have a legend or not
'CI_boot' logical, {false} Whether to return bootstraped confidence interval
'nb_boot' numeric, {200} Number of bootstraps
'alpha' positive integer, {0.05} Significance level for confidence interval.
'boot_type' {'bca'}, 'norm', 'per', 'cper' Type of bootstrap confidence interval (Efron, 1987).
'err_plot' logical, {false} Whether an error plot of the indices should be provided.

In addition, options from MultiStart can be used as well, when 'MultiStart' is set to 'MATLAB'.


Compute and plot an anti-locking sample

                      S1: [2x3x1 double]
                      S2: [2x3x1 double]
                      St: [2x3x1 double]
              bar_plot(): bar plot of the Sobol' indices
          conv_plot(seq): compute convergence plot for each
                          sample size in seq (max(seq) must be lower than n)
    compute_CI_boot(...): compute confidence interval. Accepts two options:
                          'alpha' (default 0.05) and 'type' (default 'bca').

Mini Tutorial

A mini tutorial of the capabilities of the sobol function.


Copyright © 2015 Computational Optimal Design of Engineering Systems (CODES) Laboratory. University of Arizona.

Computational Optimal Design of
Engineering Systems